Monday, March 15, 2010

Final EIR: Apple Moth Battle

The light brown apple moth, the agricultural demon that was found in Manteca has created quite a rush for those in the area. The California Department of Food and Agriculture reported that the eradication program was “less likely” to cause human harm or environmental damage than not taking the action. Reasoning was that if the infestation had spread, more harsh chemicals and pesticides would have been required.

It was stated that if the moth were to become established, that a production loss of over $100 million could be the result of inaction.

The CDFA has considered that using pheromone twist ties on areas where the moth’s breeding occurs will best serve in disrupting the wild moth breeding activity.
The agencies final EIR is available at If you would like more information you can contact Yolo County Agriculture Commissioner John Young (530) 666-8148.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) was caught lying about the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) to dramatically increase the CDFA budget and to distribute billions of taxpayer dollars, NOT TO FARMERS, but to large corporate privileged insider chemical companies for unnecessary pesticide contracts.

This is what the National Academy of Science (NAS) said about the information that CDFA based their false danger and economic damage conclusions regarding LBAM: "not based on sound, rigorous science" and "all economic analyses based on it, are questionable and in need of reassessment with a more rigorous approach."

CDFA has made dozens of false reports about damage from LBAM that never occurred or were not caused by LBAM.

Recently the CDFA finally admitted in the LBAM eradication program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that LBAM has done "NO CROP DAMAGE" in California. Download the Draft Program EIR and see Chapter #3, page 3-20 lines 6,7 and 3-21 lines 3,4 below table 3-16: "No crop damage" from LBAM in California.

CDFA admitted the "No Crop Damage" in the EIR because a judge will likely review it during legal challenges, but CDFA continues to deliver false reports of damage to the media to this day since judges don't make judgments on media articles.

People rely on CDFA for agriculture expertise, so decent people have been repeating and innocently spreading the false stories of LBAM damage for over two years now.

If anyone tells you there has been LBAM damage, together with that person, call the Agriculture Commissioner Office in the county where the story of damage is claimed and you will find that there is No Documentation of damage, none.

It is way passed the appropriate time for A.G. Kawamura to resign as Secretary of the CDFA so that public trust and confidence can be restored in this agency.

We cannot afford to have Kawamura continually crying wolf to take our money, our taxpayer money for fabricated emergencies and then be left without sufficient funds when real emergencies occur.

You can view Kawamura lying on CBS TV news in a 5-minute video at: