Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Farmers Voices Heard Via AgChat

Nowadays, it seems ever so important for farmers to express their voice in the world. Recognizing this need, one group has come together to help that voice become heard.

AgChat, the only foundation of its kind is out helping farmers deliver their message. Via the connection of Social Media, AgChat Foundation offers services to enable growers to learn how to access agricultural online communities through social media sectors such as YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, or where the group originated, Twitter where AgChat holds weekly discussions.

The AgChat Foundation has four program areas focused on social media. First is the Agvocacy 2.0 Training: Which is designed to educate farmers through basic, mid-level & expert training to move mindsets up the technology ladder. They also have Strategic Agvocacy Coordination: which empowers agricultural voices through coordinated industry-wide efforts. They then have Data Analysis to provide tools to assist agvocates with targeted community efforts, and to top it off they also provide Technology Scholarships in order to equip farmers with infrastructure to enable full use of social media.

Last Friday, about 300 people sent tweets (Twitter message) and over 1,500 people accessed AgChat.org and reached over 1.4 million impressions.

Thank these ground breaking accomplishments to the growers/farmers and these board of directors.

• Chris Chinn, Farmer
• Jeff Fowle, Rancher
• Mark Gale, Agribusiness Liaison
• Eliz Greene, Consumer & Healthcare
• Darin Grimm, Farmer
• Mike Haley, Farmer
• Shaun Haney, Seedsman
• Michele Payn-Knoper, #AgChat Founder
• Ray Prock, Farmer
• Dr. Chris Raines, Extension
• Dr. Katherine Swift, Veterinarian
• Tricia Braid Terry, Check-off Representative
• Chuck Zimmerman, Agribusiness Liaison

For more information on the AgChat Foundation, visit www.agchat.org.

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